Thursday, 17 May 2012

Famous Creatives Amongst Us: Jane Murray

In this long over-due 8th installment of FAMOUS CREATIVES AMONGST US we meet Jane Murray.
Jane Murray is a Creative Director at TBWA.
Jane Murray was photographed on a crisp nautically fresh day along the shore of Lake Ontario near a Toronto Parks work shed.

Jane Murray with her security team. Note the sunglasses.

It was a matter of minutes when Jane Murray being so close to the work shed and being a radiant beacon nay lighthouse of infectious joy brought forth Frank from inside the shed. 
Like the Siren song of Greek Mythology Frank was smitten by Jane Murray and insisted that the two be photographed together to mark their ships passing in the metaphoric night.

Frank closing his eyes to savour such tenderness shown by Jane Murray!

But that was not all!
For Jane Murray’s aura also lures non-humans to her rocks!
Murphy a ball dancing dog also joined the group.

The triangle of looks and love.

What enchanting and enchanted affection was shown and felt by all beast and man!
What grows in their garden now?!
All this in front of a work shed full of rakes and hoses to help bloom the budding admiration of Frank and Murphy!
May flowers indeed!

Who will be the next FAMOUS CREATIVE AMONGST US!!